Introduction to the Research

SMPI is a research collaboration concerned with the self-transcendent nature of human existence.

We are inspired to explore wellbeing as more than a combination of physical, emotional and mental components. We are exploring the relationship between these aspects and the nurturance of soul evolution as a further component of wellbeing. A century of scientific focus has led to the general neglect of matters that are not so easily quantifiable. Hence the exploration of soul has fallen to religion and the new age movement. Our approach is to re-introduce the soul as a key area of wellbeing, through the use of scientific methodology.

As a Medical practitioner, Clinical Psychologist and Educationalist we bring decades of collective professional experience. In our respective fields we have all found that true healing occurs when the journey of the soul is embraced. Science has found it difficult to measure how soul evolution impacts current wellbeing. We are embarking on research to begin to document and quantify this dynamic interplay. 

If you would like to know more about this project, please feel welcome to fill in the expression of interest form below.

We thank you and are grateful.

"Perhaps human nature has been sold short.........."

-- Abraham Maslow

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SMPI Research Team

Dr Elinor van Ommen

Clinical Psychologist

Dr Jennifer Cornell

Medical Doctor

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